Sunday, 23 December 2007

famous people!

Over the last term I have seen various well known people! Living directly opposite St Pancras, me and a friend went across when the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh came! So I saw the queen- she also went by recently as I was arriving at the WLDC!
Earlier in the term I had seen Cardinal Murphy O'Connor, I was due to see the Archbishop of Canterbury but was ill!

Preaching in London

Going from the setting of rural Lancashire to the inner city of London was a shock for preaching! My first preaching appointment in London was at a Church very very close to the Emmirates (Arsenal’s ground!) it was a half past eleven service and Arsenal were playing Sunderland at twelve o’clock. As I began my sermon so did the football match, I found myself competing with the crowd, and I could tell you when the goals went in! This was a very different setting to Lancashire, I found it a bit distracting I must say!
Reflecting back- this setting is the back drop to all Christian preaching and speaking today- a busy noisy world! The challenge is to make the Gospel heard in a relevant way and in a way that can be heard.
Since then I have preached several times- most recently I preached an evening service at Hinde Street- technology permitting the sermon may soon be heard on the Churches pod cast. Preaching and leading worship is very different in London- the congregation make up is drastically different,its amazing how people drift in throughout services! It means progression in worship is hard to create! One of my experiences has been that rather than being in the majority I am sometimes in the minority- makes me stop and think about cultural relevance and how we seek to be inclusive and culturally relevant.

A full update!

My work in London is varied, this term I have done 2 days volunteering at the day centre see information at: I also work as a Free Church representative as a Hospital chaplain 1 day per week, I also help out with a women’s drop in group hosted at Kings Cross. As well as some of the other usual tasks of a presbyter- meetings, leading worship and preaching. When I write this down it doesn't seem that I do that much- part of my time in London is theological reflection. There have been many challenges which I will share later- they will be quite lengthy!
The circuit has recently had its annual review so much of the work I am involved in can be seen! The observant among you may even find a couple of pictures of me!

I am also fortunate to have the opportunity to go to the Guy Chester Centre each month to share with other students training for ministry. This is highly valuable, the friends I have made there are great and there is usually a lot of laughter! The Friday's we spend doing a variety of things. Friday mornings begin with Morning Prayer, coffee and biscuits! Then we continue working through a pastoral care course- this helps us in developing our pastoral skills but also to help in caring for one another. Friday afternoons are spent theologically reflecting together- different members of the group share something of their work/life and then together we reflect. Recently one of the group led us in a Boys Brigade session! This was great fun- making paper aeroplanes, figure marching, team games! It was a fun session- some of the group acted just like Boys! We then have a psychology kind of person come in and look at scenarios in ministry and placement. She leads us in reflecting and looking especially at the deeper things and unconscious at work!
After our evening meal we then have a time of "Cell Church", this follows through a series on "Our Calling" of the Methodist Church. (
After this we follow in good Methodist tradition and retire to a pub in Muswell Hill.
Its then back to GCC for Hot Chocolate, people begin to retire to their beds- although some of us sit talking till the early hours. Saturday is an early start for breakfast, some more people arrive- the Saturday incorporates EDEV (extending discipleship, exploring vocation) people. The day is a “QUIET” day, but with some of us around- quiet is fun! We are led in a variety of different ways to pray and are following- Margaret Silf’s book Wayfaring. The book I would recommend to people strongly- I have found it renewing and find GCC as a whole a place of nourishment. It’s good to be able to share with others, feeling a sense of isolation and considering ministry and discerning ministry. I am the only pre-ordination training student- discerning ministry for me is discerning the type of Presbyteral I feel I am called to and where my gifts and weaknesses lie. Any body offered the opportunity to go to Guy Chester centre- take it! The centre runs a variety of quiet days and courses: See the website for more details!

Home for Christmas!

So finally I am home for Christmas! Its been a long and busy term, but have finally written an update!
To those who read: May you have a happy Christmas and good new year!

I am in Cambridge for the first week of 2 for festive holidays and am then heading north to Lancaster for my second week! Am very excited to see friends and catch up! I miss Lancaster!