Saturday, 19 January 2008

They all came

A call to worship I wrote a while ago, but thought I'd share it here.

“The Bible is full of stories and narrative where people came to Jesus for different things, to be healed, to be fed, to be taught. This mornings theme is thinking about coming to God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Coming to God from where we are to share with God the way we are feeling and where we are at. I want us to begin just by hearing some words, reflecting on the scene at the feeding of the 5,000. It was here that people had to come to hear the words of Jesus and were fed spiritually and physically. “

They all came,
Flocking in their thousands.

They all came,
Young and old.
Men and women.

They all came,
Looking up to Jesus.
An example,
A way to live.

They all came,
To listen,
To learn.

They all came,
To be taught,
To be challenged.

They all came,
To be comforted,
To confront.

They came as they were.
They offered what they had.

They came, they were fed.
They came, they were filled.

They came sharing in fellowship,
They cared for each other.

They came in their thousands,
They left changed people.

They all came,
They were fed,
Fed spiritually,
Fed physically.

They came to see Jesus,
Jesus met them there.

We now come,
Old and young.
Men and women.

We now come,
Looking for Jesus,
An example,
A way of life.

We now come,
To listen,
To learn.

We now come,
To be fed,
To be nurtured.

We now come,
To share,
To care.

We now come as we are,
To offer what we have.
That it might be transformed.

We now come,
Jesus meets us here.

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