Monday, 9 June 2008

The last few weeks!

It’s been a busy few weeks as usual! After receiving the news of where I was going next year I went to Cambridge ready to drive to Cornwall, for Jez and Lois’ wedding! So I then had a 3 day adventure- I drove down to Cornwall on the Friday, spent Friday night in Falmouth and catching up with friends, Saturday was the wedding and then drove back to Cambridge on the Sunday! It was crazy, but great fun! Some of us from Uni and other friends of Lois’ stayed at a Christian retreat centre, just outside Falmouth. It was really cheap and great to stay with friends who I haven’t seen for a while! What was slightly fun was finding the place! Lois’ Dad went and lined the route with balloons! I arrived to collect people staying at the centre and Lois kindly offered for us to drive in convoy! So off we went, the centre was on a farm, so we kept following and following, going down a single track! When we got to the last bit some people had to get out of the cars in order that the cars didn’t scrape on the bottom! It was all good fun! When friends arrived at midnight me and Jon (one of my friends from College) went out to meet them to bring them back! It was easier than trying to work out where they were once lost!
So the Saturday was the wedding itself, it was wonderful and really special to be able to share in such times with friends! It was good to see friends again and catch up! The reception was lovely, after the meal and speeches we all went down onto the beach for a bit- which was fun! Then back to the Hotel for the evening reception which was a Ceilidh! Great fun and a day to remember!
On the Sunday I drove back to Cambridge via Stansted to drop Ali off! (Another uni friend!) It was good to have some company on the long journey back after only about 8 hours sleep over 2 nights- and it wasn’t for not trying to sleep!!!

I love being with my friends! It was good last week to be able to offer hospitality to Adam and Kristi in London. They spent Thursday in London and stayed with me over night before heading to Paris for the weekend. Then today Adam and Kristi came for lunch- we had rolls and cakes from Harrods!

One of the things I really miss about Lancaster is the craziness and fellowship I had there! Friends if you are reading this know that I miss you all!

So its been busy, I have only 20 days before leaving WLM and MCH. We had our MCH leavers BBQ last weekend. Leavers all received Mugs that say “I lived at Methodist Chaplaincy House”! I shall treasure mine. I am visiting Queens next week, which I am looking forward to! Apparently Queens is in the posh part of Birmingham- will suit me very well!

Any way, best go and try and rest. Its extremely hot in my room, so am currently sat on the roof top garden trying to cool down! An early start in the morning!

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