Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Glen Nevis

One afternoon we were walking on Glenn Nevis. The experience was quite something- such large hills, made me feel very small! Psalm 8 came to mind:
“3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what are mere mortals that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?”

As we strolled along, I started to think. There are mentions of the “hills” as part of the scenery and setting of the gospels! This was the context in which the journey of discipleship is set. As somebody growing up in Cambridge- hills was not part of my daily experience! Once I was in Lancaster they certainly were. But I found myself reflecting as we walked, about the disciples, journeying through the hill side, travelling from place to place. Sometimes it was uphill and others down hill! For me and my journey of faith- there are ups and downs! It got me to think about, the ups and downs, and the reality of following Jesus. It’s not always easy! What are the up hills and down hills in my life?
I was also eaten by some midgies! Not fun- I wonder what they midgies might be likened to in my journey of faith?
So often having been in the flat land for a while, I forget, the disciples weren’t on a gentle stroll on flat roads! Sometimes such simple things I forget, I need reminding!

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