Thursday, 10 July 2008

another order of evening prayer

When it was evening Jesus came and stood among his disciples and said “Peace be with you”.
Jesus comes and stands among us here tonight and says “Peace be with you”.

Short period of silence.

Tonight we are gathered, as those first disciples were in an upstairs room.
God’s spirit is with us.

So let us pray with confidence, that God hears our prayers, let us know that God is here with us now and shares this time with us together, just as God was with us this morning and will be with us in the new morning tomorrow.

Reading from scripture

Lord Jesus Christ,
As you broke bread,
Your word was revealed and understanding given.
May your word be revealed to us this night.
Speak to us and inspire us by your word.

Short time for reflection

Prayers for others and ourselves.
God is compassionate,
God cares, so let us pray for the world.

God of peace and justice.
We pray especially tonight for those places that need your peace.
(Names and places can be given here)
Jesus you said “Peace I give to you.”
May they hear your words, may your peace come to them.

God of the hungry,
We pray for those who this night are hungry.
(Names and places can be given here)
Jesus you took bread and broke it and fed the hungry.
May the hungry know your presence, that you hunger with them.

God of the homeless,
We pray for those who are homeless this night.
(Names can be given here)
Jesus you were born, homeless.
May the homeless know your presence with them, that you are homeless with them.

God of tears, of sorrow.
We pray for those who weep this night,
(Names and places may be given here)
Jesus you wept over Jerusalem, as people weep tonight,
May they know your presence, that you weep with them.

God of joy and celebration.
We pray with those who rejoice this night,
(Names and places may be given here)
Lord Jesus, you celebrated with those at a wedding.
May those who celebrate this night know your presence.

God of loneliness,
We pray for those who are lonely tonight,
(Names and places may be given here)
Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, you felt alone.
May the lonely know your presence this night.
May they know your words “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.”

God of community,
We pray for all communities this night,
(Names and places may be given here)
Jesus you spent time living in community.
You know the joys and frustrations that this brings.
May your presence be known in communities this night.

God, who calls us by name,
We pray for ourselves this night.
Jesus, you know us, you know the things that trouble us this night.
By your incarnation you know what it feels like to be human.
May we know your presence with us this night.
May we hear you call us by our name.

We offer you our prayers and our lives that your kingdom might come and your will be done. In Jesus’ name Amen

Closing responses:
Paul writes in his letter “Do not be anxious about anything.”
May God’s peace relieve us and this community tonight of anxiety.

Jesus said “come to me all who are tired and weary and I will give you rest.”
May God’s peace give us and this community rest this night.

Jesus said “I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.”
May God’s peace bless, by God’s presence us and this community this night. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

© Karen A Hilsden June 2008 (Student Minister resident in MCH from 2007-2008)

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