Thursday, 3 July 2008

Evening Prayer

In MCH, we had evening prayer at 10pm. I was inspired to write some liturgy, so beneath is an Evening prayer written for MCH.

Opening responses
From sunrise to sunset.
God is with us.
In our waking, in our sleeping.
God is with us.
In our working, in our leisure.
God is with us.
In our joy, in our sorrow.
God is with us.
In this moment, in every moment.
God is with us.

From the rising of the sun unto its setting.
May the Lord’s name be praised.

Prayer of praise

Loving God,
To you belong all glory and praise.

In your great power you created the heavens and the earth.
The heavens declare your majesty.
The earth declares your glory.

Holy God,
To you we give all glory and praise.

Redeeming God,
Though we turned from you,
You did not turn from us.
Instead you showed us unfailing love.

Holy God,
To you we give all glory and praise.

Guiding God,
Each day you are with us,
Each new day you stir us with your spirit.

Holy God,
To you we give all glory and praise.

Holy God, creator, redeemer and guider.
May this night our praise be yours.
In Jesus’ name. AMEN

Scripture reading followed by a short time of silence.

God of community,
We bring to you tonight the communities of which we are a part.

We bring to you this community.
We pray for your presence to be realised in this place.
Fill this place this night with your presence once again.


Bring your healing to this place.
(Prayers for healing may be offered here)
Bring your rest to this place.
(Prayers for those struggling with the strains of life may be offered here)
Bring your love to this place.

May this be a place where your acceptance is known.
May this be a place where your peace is known.
May this be a place where your grace is known.

So as we pray for this place,
We pray to for the local community,
We pray for your presence to pulse.

We pray for those communities we have been a part of today.
For those people who we have seen or heard about that are in need.
(Places, people and situations can be named aloud or in silence)

We pray for those communities we have heard about in the news today.
For the celebrations which we may have seen or heard about.
For the sorrows which we may have seen or heard about.

Gracious and compassionate God,
Accept these prayers,
May your love be known in all places and situations and May your will be done.
In Jesus Name Amen.

May the God who called you from sleep this morning,
Grant you sleep and rest this night.
May the God who holds you in his everlasting arms.
Enfold you this night.
May God’s blessing surround you and those you love, this night and every night.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

© Karen A Hilsden June 2008


Mike Peatman said...

With liturgy like that, I fear you're turning Anglican! When I was at youth group all my Methodist friends used to say Anglicans could only pray with a book in their hand. Now we're all sloppy with liturgy and Methodism is doing it properly!

Methodist said...

no- help! I'm not turning into an Anglican! Methodist till I die!