Friday, 1 February 2008

Blood tests- urgh

I went back to my own Dr this morning- my glands are still swollen and I'm tired still! So he decided to do some blood tests- 5 in all- not quite sure what they are all for. He was slightly concerned about my thyroid not working properly- leaving me succeptable to infections. I asked about going back to work and he said I can go back on "light" duties! An interesting question- what are light duties for a minister?! Guessing it probably doesn't endorse the long days I sometimes do! Any way- I now have to wait for the results. They won't all be back for best part of two weeks- so unless anything abnormal is traced before then I won't hear anything till then.
I don't do ill very well and am quite determined to go back to London over the weekend! I am certainly not being off sick until the blood tests come back!

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