Saturday, 23 February 2008

Covenant Prayer

Recently we were invited to write our own version of the covenant prayer whilst on a Guy Chester Centre weekend, so thought I'd share it:

God I am your child,
I belong to you.
Give me the tasks that you would have me to do.
Place me with people to share life’s journey,
Help me to love and learn from others.
Let me work for you, for your purposes,
Let me rest with you
Let me walk wherever you lead.
May I hunger and thirst for truth, for righteousness.
Let me offer all that I can,
Let me receive as well as give.
Let me have questions,
Let me have knowledge.
Let me understand,
Let me have faith.
Let all that I m and all that I have be yours.
May it all be to your praise and glory.
Creator, redeemer, transformer.
You are my creator, I am created by you.
You are my redeemer, I am a child loved by you.
You offer new life and transform me.
I am transformed by your love and grace.
I am your child, you are my Father.

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