Saturday, 23 February 2008

Jesus changes lives

"Jesus changed my life,"
You hear this phrase quite often,
Becomes Christian cheese at times!

Jesus does change lives though,

Jesus brings a new way of living,
Peace, love, justice.
Things that can make for a better place.

Jesus makes a difference too because:
Jesus accepts us as we are.
Jesus loves us with a love unimaginable.

Jesus changes lives,
Because although we experience hard times,
He weeps with us,
He holds us close,
Jesus whispers the promise “I am with you always”.

Jesus changes lives because,
When it seems there is no hope,
Jesus gives us hope.
In the promise “I am the light of the world.”

Jesus changes lives because:
To those without direction “come follow me”
To the unloved he says “you are my child and loved.”
To the rejected “you are accepted.”
To those without hope- “I will give you hope.”
To all people-“I am with you.”

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