Thursday, 21 February 2008

another week nearly done!

Well I haven't blogged for a few days! Time is going so fast and nearly another week done!
Lots continues to go on- had a good weekend at Guy Chester Centre then a family party! The party was a three course meal and was on the whole very good! All of our family were together apart from 3 members of the 4th generation! Was at home for morning worship on Sunday- a great service. Although a somewhat interesting passage to hear from the lectionary:! "Go from your country"- the call of Abram. Again posing the question- is this what God is calling me to do?! I think I am becoming more clearer on the matter. Then came back to London on Sunday night. Had supervision on Monday morning- was helpful and then had some friends from Cambridge visit in the afternoon. I also saw friends from Lancaster on Tuesday lunchtime and for quite a bit of the afternoon! Was good to catch up- but makes me realise how much I miss Lancaster.

This week some very interesting issues about free church chaplaincy in the Hospital. One of the key issues that has been raised this week has been the issue of ministry to the free church community of the hospital. My Anglican colleagues are high church- Mass is central to there Spirituality. Worship therefore is centred around the sacraments. I have got reserved sacrament that I can use for patients who would like Holy Communion during their stay. For some of the Free Church people who I see Communion is much more about fellowship and the Community to which they belong. So therefore they don't want Communion. So the challenge is what do you offer- what can you offer? Of course there are bedside prayers if requested by the Patient- but what about when they want something a bit more.
Yesterday I was asked what Free Church worship was on offer- the answer is none- I am the only member of the Chaplaincy team that is Free Church- at the hospital for one day a week. So I now have a challenge of creating something that can be used to offer something different to the Free Church patients who would appreciate some kind of substance. I am thinking some kind of reflections on the weeks readings that could be used as part of prayers at the Bedside. Think it'd be good to do and to have something to offer. So I'll post them onto my blogg when I do them!
So much else is happening and perhaps I may be able to blogg eventually on some of it. There are obviously boundaries of confidentiality with some of my work!

With regard to my last post I have been in Contact with the College principal- will hopefully be seeing them shortly. Any way am preaching on Sunday so need to get on with planning worship!

1 comment:

Mike Peatman said...


Just to say that the smchap website is now redundant (although still online!!).

Can you point people towards instead?

